6 Weeks To Self Love Coaching Program Itinerary

Week 1


Setting Ground Rules + Community Expectations

Topic: Intention Setting 

Energy Center: Root Chakra 

Focus: We will discuss the precourse assessment results to get very clear on each area of your life. In this session we will identify what you would like to focus on improving throughout the program. A visualization meditation will assist the group to begin to set energy into motion, creating intentions behind an action will lead to many favorable outcomes. Our visualization practice is applicable to every area of our lives and can be used post-session to manifest the heart’s desires. Our root chakra work will be focused on releasing external sources of security and safety to create a clear understanding that all we need is within. We will authentically find what each individual truly needs to feel grounded, safe, and secure. 

Week 2

Loving what we have, brings more of what we want!

Topic: The Attitude of Gratitude 

Energy Center: Sacral Chakra 

Focus:  This session will be centered around ways to say THANK YOU to our lives, each woman will create an enjoyable daily gratitude practice to truly honor her blessings.Our sacral Chakra work will be all about tapping into creativity through an interactive manifestation practice where we act out our ideal lives with the group, this is one of the many activities that will take place to balance this chakra, additionally dance, sacred sexuality discussions and finding a hobby that you find genuine pleasure in. We will be enhancing our creativity and overall pleasure, leaving us all with a heightened sense of excitement for our lives.  Accountability partners will be curated based on the support need of each individual and assigned in this session. 

Week 3


 Topic: Setting Life Standards

 Energy Center: Solar Plexus Chakra

Focus: This is the Holy grail of the program when we make what we want REALITY !!

 Do you ever feel like everyone has you all messed up? Like people just are disrespectful, maybe a bit invasive, maybe you feel like you are always rushing to work,  never truly getting your “me time”, feeling unmotivated in your home or overextended in your work life. This session shifts all those vibes, in this session you will set new life rules and requirements, your “Gospel” will be created to raise standards of your unique requirements for environments, relationships, work, and downtime.  This practice has been a favorite and a major life-changer for all of our tribe members, not only has it changed the way we treat ourselves but this also raises the vibration of how we allow others to treat us. Our energy work for this session is our Solar Plexus Chakra  which is our Beyonce chakra - confidence and knowing who we are, this session will have several confidence strengthening exercises and journaling prompts.

Week 4

Topic:  To love, to feel love & to be love

Energy Center: Heart Chakra

 Focus:  This session is a difficult one, in order to heal a wound we must first recognize that it exists. In this session we as a group explore areas of heartbreak and find the lessons in past relationships, a unique process of exploring old patterns to find what no longer aligns. Additionally, we discuss areas of ourselves that we see as easy to love and parts of ourselves that are harder to love, with the intention to love all of who we are!   For those who feel ready to call forth and explore new love and partnership in their life, a prayer and manifestation workbook will be provided. The Gospel created from the previous lesson will assist the group members in getting clear on what types of relationships they desire.

Week 5

Topic: I express my needs clearly and I allow others to be heard

 Energy Center: Throat Chakra 

Focus :At this point in the program, we will all have a clear understanding of what we truly desire as individuals and what environments, associations, and relationships no longer meet our needs. With a clear understanding of who and what does not meet our gospel, we begin to set boundaries, with family, coworkers,  our employers, and friends. Through our throat chakra work, we will learn to express our needs clearly and effectively with love and respect for ourselves and others. This session will also assist in helping you to voice your purpose and career path.

Week 6

Topic: I trust that I am making all of the right decisions.

Energy Centers: The Crown and The Brow 

Focus :In our final week we confidently work through our unique purpose chart created by Monique Doughty. We will then create an action plan of how we can continue to progress towards our purposes and have our careers fill us instead of draining us.  All group members will leave the course with an action plan for the continued building of a life they are madly in love with.  In our chakra work, we will release the need to seek external validation, we will let go of needing the approval of others  and begin to trust that we are making all of the right decisions. Everyone in the program will be left with a blueprint to continue building their unique version of a 10 out of 10 life. With the tools, confidence and ongoing support following our work together you will be left  capable and driven to work through any pain and the ability to  turn that into authentic power.